“We don’t know the future but we can see the past, where the trends are, and we can do the math” – Paul Bradley
Are you considering jumping on the Dogecoin trend?
Do you feel like Cryptocurrency is only for the rich and reckless?
We asked and we’re delivering round two of Cryptocurrency masterclass!
On this episode of The Contract CFO Show, I am joined once again by Cryptocurrency expert, Paul Bradley. Paul is the father of Paycargo and has played a major role in the Cryptocurrency’s market since its birth. Paul and I take on your questions that came pouring in after our last episode. We also take some time to go a little deeper into Litecoin and address the now trending Dogecoin.
Cryptocurrency isn’t for the rich and reckless, it’s actually predictable, affordable, and potentially where the future of currency is headed. Crack open a cold one, relax, and learn as we go down the Crypto rabbit hole!
If you found value in this episode, be sure to share it with a friend.
And as always, subscribe, like, comment and share.
~Michael Anthony
#1 show for thinking like a boss and taking back control for your money [0:29]
Paul Bradley is back [0:52]
20 years in the b2b sales engine [1:14]
Father of Paycargo [1:23]
LiteCoin Transactions [1:33]
Watch the episode: What the Fiat is Money? [3:40]
Cp3me.com [2:02]
Paul explains CP3Me [2:30]
The language of cryptocurrency [5:18]
Why the corporations cannot break Crypto [7:01]
The depreciation of the US dollar [7:44]
Time and money were never meant to just simply manifest out of nowhere [9:23]
Listen to What the Fiat is money episode [9:40]
Now is the time for Cryptocurrency [10:42]
Cheers to you
Paul is drinking Little Book Whiskey [12:20]
Michael is drinking Casa Noble Tequila [12:58]
Business moves forward incrementally – MA [13:34]
Cheers to you for moving forward each day [14:00]
Paul talks about his big win this week [15:25]
Paul’s connections opening doors for him [17:25]
There is something life giving to working on your birthday – MA [18:50]
Weaving the fabric of society [19:43]
Work with Symmerty.com/change [20:45]
What should I be doing with my life? [22:21]
Shut up and be faithful with what’s in front of you [23:02]
When I went all-in on life, that’s when things started changing [24:14]
Main Topic
Let’s get into Crypto! [25:27]
Shitcoins: Anything but Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Ethereum [26:00]
Michael gives a big disclaimer [27:00]
Gary Vee’s video about Bitcoin [30:03]
India is trying to ban Bitcoin [30:40]
Pakistan is a state sponsor of Bitcoin and has its own mining facilities [31:39]
What if Bitcoin goes to zero? [33:05]
Cryptocurrency is growing overnight [34:48]
Will Cryptocurrency untie countries? [35:45]
Banks are now integrating Bitcoin into their roadmaps [36:36]
Bitcoin is growing at 50% annually [38:00]
Work with Symmerty.com/Change [38:45]
The future of insurance companies and Bitcoin [39:48]
GAAP Accounting [40:00]
Paul predicts that banks and financial companies will be forced to get involved with Cryptocurrency in the near future [41:42]
Michael explains how banks make their money off your money [43:25]
What happens when banks have negative interest? [44:00]
Banks are speaking the wrong language [45:20]
The old FIAT playbook doesn’t work anymore [45:47]
What’s different in the world of money? [47:38]
Questions for Paul [48:06]
How do I invest without thousands of dollars? [49:00]
We don’t know the future but we can see the past, where things are trending, and we can do the math – PB [49:07]
Buy Litecoin [49:22]
If you want some exposure, buy Litecoin via Paypal [50:18]
Michael uses Coinbase Pro [50:42]
Why aren’t we hearing about Litecoin in the news? [51:50]
Bitcoin has utility [52:10]
Ethereum allows you to add a smart contract on the back of it [52:32]
Ethereum has the largest assets under management number [56:00]
Why Litecoin? [56:49]
Litecoin is the more reliable, not so sexy, toyota camry of Crypto [57:55]
What is Fungibility? [59:50]
Only 0.3% of Cryptocurrency has been involved in malicious & fraudulent transactions while 30% of $100 bills have traces of cocaine on them, so you do the math on that – PB [1:01:32]
Ignore the fear mongering from the media, they don’t have your best interests in mind [1:03:06]
Litecoin is sticking around [1:03:24]
Why Paul believes in Litecoin [1:05:30]
Litecoin is not a big gamble [1:06:00]
Banks like boring and predictable [1:08:05]
Litecoin compared to Bitcoin is horribly undervalued [1:09:06]
Litecoin is the safe play [1:10:15]
The trajectory of litecoin [1:10:34]
Cereal is not sexy [1:12:34]
The hot chick at the club vs her not as hot friend [1:14:28]
What is Dogecoin aka “the dog coin”? [1:15:50]
I don’t chase. It’s not part of my mission or objective – PB [1:16:35]
Elon Musk [1:16:46]
I trade all night and trade all morning – PB [1:16:48]
Paul’s dog Ripple chimes in about Dogecoin [1:17:44]
Beware of the social media driven Cryptocurrencies [1:18:42]
I have better odds at the roulette table than with Dogecoin – MA [1:19:44]
Wouldn’t it be cool if? [1:20:50]
There’s a narrative on all coins out there [1:21:07]
What sustainable Cryptocurrency means [1:21:42]
Paul’s final word [1:23:19]
Paul is a big fan of The Contract CFO Show [1:26:50]
How small businesses can leap frog with the big guys [1:27:28]
Bitcoin grows like bamboo – deep roots and springs up overnight [1:27:46]
NASDQ Players and Crypto [1:28:16]
The past isn’t always a clear projection of the future but it’s pretty damn accurate [1:29:19]
Subscribe, Like, & Share [1:30:25]
Talk to us! Send in your questions to michaelanthonytv.com [1:30:40]
Keep kicking ass and living life to the fullest! [1:30:45]